Wireless Waffle - A whole spectrum of radio related rubbish
Spot the HF Antennasignal strength
Tuesday 11 September, 2007, 14:07 - Radio Randomness
OK, so it's not as snappy as 'spot the ball' but the idea is the same. Look at the picture below and see if you can spot the HF antenna. Clue: Look for the 'x's.


A bit silly perhaps, but the thing of interest is that this building is the Admiralty Building as seen from Horseguards Parade in Central London and that those really are HF antennas (see the expanded picture below). Whilst it's easy to dismiss good old fashioned short wave communications as outdated, especially in the age of satellites and mobile phones, it's very satisfying to see that those who need some assuredness of communication think it worthwhile to defile historic buildings in the centre of an area of tranquility and beauty with whopping great big, ugly HF aerials.

admiralty antennas

It doesn't necessarily follow, but it might be fair to presume that the people who did this (let's call them the 'military' for want of a better word) will be keen to ensure continued, low-interference access, to HF spectrum for some time to come. Which has to be good news for short-wave listeners and radio amateurs alike.

Katrina Star 
Monday 12 January, 2015, 10:11
I think the HF aerials on the Admiralty are there because they have listed Status. I'd be very surprised if there is anything connected to them.

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